Monday, March 14, 2011

March 13

We had another pretty good day, although Jacob has roommate who did not.  we woke up to a lot of crying and screaming and the nurses were struggling to comfort the poor little guy.  He was in a lot of pain and did not have his Mom there to help comfort him, but they had a few nurses doing their best to rock him and make him feel better while trying to make the pain go away.  I think after an hour or two of listening to the crying and such Jacob started getting a bit stressed. They finally got him somewhat settled (for a while anyway) and he had some family able to get there and Jacob relaxed again and was able to eat and sleep well again.  It did prevent me from being able to leave to go get coffee and something to eat for a while though (I did finally get some).  When Rick and Josh (and my Mom and sister Shaun) got there, I took a break and went over to the Ronald McDonald house to clean up and show Josh around the game rooms and play for a bit before we had to head back to the hospital.  When we did get back to the hospital they let us get Jacob out of bed for about 15 minutes.  He was looking a bit stir crazy being in that bed and hooked to everything for so long.  Especially because of the drain in his head, we have to get the nurse every time we have to readjust him so that his head stays at a certain level with their equipment.  Hopefully that drain will come out in the next day or so.  The Therapists are coming Monday morning, so the work is going to really begin to get him up and moving around more.    By the way, he does not look that happy in this photo, but I can assure everyone that he was content to get out of bed and snuggle with Rick and I, at least until he started to get tired again.  I think he just is giving me these looks when I take a picture of him to show me he does not always appreciate being shown in just his diaper. Although I am still working on getting a smile out of him, I think he is also still trying to figure out why we have him in this situation to begin with and might be a bit irritated with us.
Josh is getting more and more comfortable seeing Jacob with each day is seems.  He did have to leave the room when Jacob got out of bed, but he later told me that is was because he was afraid Jacob was going to pull off his wrap and he did not want to see the stitches on his head.  He will go back Monday with me and work on some reading work for school, and maybe we will check out some of the activities at the hospital in the sibling play room to keep him from getting too bored.  We will let you know Monday night how it all went.


  1. Jacob looks great!!! I am so happy and relieved that he is doing so well. You are probably right about the picture and diaper bit. He will not appreciate that when he is older, but that is a mom's right isn't it? Tell Rick and Josh we said hi to them as well. I hope you can get some rest :)

  2. Katheryn and EmilyMarch 14, 2011 at 5:12 PM

    So glad to hear that Jacob is doing so well. I got those same looks from Emily when I would take her picture when we stayed for the 7 day VEEGs. She didn't like the "hat" on her head.


Baseball is in "full Swing"

It is baseball season in the Wilkison house and all three boys are playing, so that has kept us pretty busy.  We seem to have eith...