Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Time Flies

I know I said that I would try to post more often, I really meant too, but I don't know where the time went.
We are all doing very well right now, although I will admit I am in the full throngs of discomfort with being at week number 32 in this pregnancy. I will also admit (although I hate too) that I still have not gotten a room ready for the baby, but I think I at least have a plan. Now I just need the chance/time (or just motivation and to not bee so tired) to follow through with it. It is amazing how time flies when you are preoccupied with something, or in this case someone. Soon though I will have to try to focus some attention on this new little guy who could try to make his appearance in the next two months.
Jacob's therapies are going very well. He is doing especially well in his physical therapy where he met all of the goals she had made for him for two months in only 3 weeks! Because of that we were able to cut back to only a couple times a week on pt and of course set new goals. He loves to be up and moving around. He hardly falls or loses his balance any more and he is even starting to show some use in his right hand a bit. He still likes to babble a lot, but is starting to imitate words more and more and is getting better at using some sign language. All in all, he is doing great! He shows all signs of being the very same boy he was before surgery, with the difference of being less irritable and all in all more laid back and happy (and still no seizures!). I am in awe of him all of the time, and I am sure I will continue to be the rest of our lives.
Joshua does well with playing with him most of the time, although I think he has his moments from time to time where he would rather have Jacob not wanting to play with him as much. With Josh being the big brother and Jacob adoring him, Jacob wants to do whatever Josh is doing (but with his own style), and that does not always sit well with Josh. Oh well though, that is brothers for you. It is only going to get more interesting when we add one more to the mix.
I did promise some video though, and I have a couple short ones I will post so you can see how well he is walking in comparison to when we left Seattle. We hope all is well with everyone, and are continuously grateful to have such good friends and family supporting us through everything (and we promise the Thank You Cards will be will be in the mail shortly)!

Baseball is in "full Swing"

It is baseball season in the Wilkison house and all three boys are playing, so that has kept us pretty busy.  We seem to have eith...