Thursday, November 7, 2013


For 2 years in a row now, I have forgotten to pull out my camera and take some pictures of my boys in their Halloween costumes.  Fortunately this year, my mother-in law had me take a photo of the boys with her phone, so this is all we got of that night (although Joshua's official trick or treat costume was a ninja). 
Maybe I will set a reminder in my I pad now for next year so I will remember to get my camera out. ; )-

Playing catch up

 Well, since I have not blogged in a while, I thought I would show a quick picture review of our summer (and I hate to say, I am already missing the weather, even though it was a hot one).  Any way, as usual it went by too fast and now it is fall and time for me to try to play catch up. 

Joshua and Jacob are back in full swing with school and I can't believe we are only a few weeks away from Thanksgiving.  Every year when they head back to school I think I am going to have more time to tackle my ever growing "to do" list, but for some reason, every year I feel like I get more and more behind.  Oh well, maybe one of these days.    

We did the usual amount of stuff for the summer, we went fishing, picking blackberries, road trips, went to the zoo, picked huckleberries, celebrated Tucker's 2nd Birthday, and wrapped the summer up with Jacob and I going to Seattle for his one year checkup. 
 Jacob's checkup went very well (as usual) and all of his Dr.'s were pleased with how well he is doing.  In fact his Neurosurgeon even wanted to show Jacob off to another family who was struggling with the decision for their son to have a hemispherectomy.
I later learned that after meeting Jacob they scheduled the surgery right away because they were so impressed with how well he was doing. 

Other than that our lives are still crazy (and very loud) and everyone is doing well. 

Huckleberry picking burnout
Don't need one of these for my boys to be crazy :)

Jacob watching the penguins

Jacob after a day of Dr"s apointments in Seattle

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sick of being sick and Baseball!

Wow, lately we seem to have been hit with all possible bugs out there.  Ever since spring break, we have had a terrible stomach bug (fortunately only to last about 24 hours per person) run through the whole house, get better and now we have been hit with one of the worst colds I can ever remember getting (I even got an ear infection, and I can't even remember the last time I had one of those).  I can say I can't wait for summer, not only because of warm weather, but also maybe to get us away from catching so many bugs!  Any way, we are all finally getting better (knock on wood) and we will hopefully be able to post updates on more positive things from here on out.  Especially because it is time for BASEBALL SEASON!

The season officially started last Friday, but because most of us have been sick, Tucker, Jacob and I have only gotten to go to our first game last night.  Joshua was the first to get this cold, so luckily he has gotten better in time for the start of the season and Rick has only gotten a bit of it (so far).  It was a blustery game and a bit cold, but they all played well and I think Joshua really enjoys playing.  I did not get a chance to take any photos, but I will at one of the next games, so I can post them.  In fact, i haven't taken many photos of the family at all lately, so I will make sure I make up for that soon too!

Any way, I hope everyone else has been well, and I hope no one gets these awful bugs floating around!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wow, has it really been 2 years?


I have been putting off the blogging lately for other things and since tomorrow marks the 2 year anniversary of Jacob's Hemispherectomy surgery, I figured it was time to pick it up again. 
It is hard to believe it has been 2 years, although in some ways it seems like it has been longer.  Jacob has come so far since his surgery, and done so well, we could not be happier!  Not only is he still seizure free (wohoo!), but he is talking up a storm lately.  He still does a lot of jibber jabber, but so many things he says now are so clear and understandable (I think he might be trying to keep one step ahead of Tucker) A short time ago, he would ask for things with one word, now he will actually use short sentances.  I truly forget most of the time that he has only half a brain.  He really is a wonder!  Now if I can just make it through this trying stage of stubborness and defiance, lol! He and Tucker seem to be exploring the terrible two's together and I am afraid since I didn't have to experience it much with Joshua, that I am a bit out of practice (and sometimes patience).  All I can hope is that it doesn't last too long, but who know with Jacob. 

Lots has happened since my last post, so I won't bore anyone with too many details, but we made it through the holidays, had a small sledding hill in our front yard for a time, we went on a sleigh ride (where Josh roasted the marshmellows) we have had two birthdays, Joshua (turned 7 on Jan. 2nd) and Jacob (turned 4 on Feb.18), and we are now getting ready for spring and baseball season. 
Cheezy Tucker

Tucker is talking more and more along with Jacob and the two of them are either double trouble together, of duking it out. With three boys the one thing I have to say I will look back and remember most about this time is BOY MY HOUSE IS LOUD!  Some nights I don't know how I even take it. Which is probably another reason I have not been blogging much (I sit here in quiet bliss right now, because Rick took Joshua and Jacob to the monster truck show, and Tucker is napping). :) 

Rick seeing if he can hurt himself

 Any way, all is well in the Wilkison house and I hope all is well in yours too! I do promise to keep back up on the blogging, even if it is only once a month (but I will try for at least twice a month).

Josh, the showman 

Baseball is in "full Swing"

It is baseball season in the Wilkison house and all three boys are playing, so that has kept us pretty busy.  We seem to have eith...