Monday, April 11, 2011

1 Down, 4 To Go

Jacob being a bit crazy in his crib

Let the countdown officially begin!
I am so happy to say that we only have 4 more days left in the hospital, YAA! Jacob is still progressing well, and seems to be more animated with everyone all of time. He has been building up his stamina for how far he can walk before getting tired, walked back and forth without holding any one's hands between the two physical therapists, Rachelle and Kelly, and even tackled some more stairs today. It feels like it has been forever since his surgery, but looking back it is almost unbelievable how far he has come in such a short time (considering it has only been a little more than a month). I remember thinking the days right after surgery when he was looking so depressed and not being able to move his right side or anything, and thinking to myself "what in the world did we do to our little boy?". I of course have no regrets anymore, and am so pleased that he now seems to have a chance to be just a normal little boy (even if he does turn out to be a more of a little wild man).
We also had a video conference with some of the therapists in Boise who may be working with Jacob, and he had a chance to show off some for them too. He was in great form with his jabbering and he even got up on the table and showed them how his walking is going. He walked right up to the TV screen and looked at it to see all of the people in Boise, but it looked like he was just looking down towards the floor, because the camera was higher than the TV. I thought he was going to try and reach out to it though, before he decided to turn around and walk back again. All in all it was a good day and I am looking forward to the last days few here. I am glad for all that has happened and all of the people helping Jacob in his recovery, but I am also looking forward to getting home, settling in, and seeing how much farther he will go.


  1. Oh my gosh Meghan, that video is amazing. It's clear that in no time at all he is going to be running around your house. You have just been through so much, and I'm sure it was heart wrenching to watch him struggle in the first few days after surgery, but what a brave and great choice you made for Jacob to have his surgery. I am so so happy he has come so far, that his future looks so bright, and that you'll be home soon!

  2. We are so, so happy to see how far Jacob has come and that he is doing so well! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you guys once you are back in town. I want to bring you dinner so let me know a day that is good for you and an address when you have time. Take care. Look forward to seeing you soon!


Baseball is in "full Swing"

It is baseball season in the Wilkison house and all three boys are playing, so that has kept us pretty busy.  We seem to have eith...