Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting Closer

Well, again I have not been good about updating our blog lately, but I guess that is not surprising anymore.  We have been busy with therapies and Jacob is still doing very well with them all.   He has become more steady and has shown more signs of using his right hand on occasion.  He is even imitating more and more words and will on occasion just blurt out a word very clearly with great meaning, but we can never get him to repeat it (he is very stubborn).  He has done so well with his physical therapy that home health had to turn us over to St. Lukes Elks Rehab (where we have been going for his Speech and Occupational therapies), which basically means his PT does not get done at our house anymore.  So we just have to make the additional trip to St. Lukes Meridian now, but it has seemed to open up our Monday, for the moment anyway.  It also means that we only have one PT appointment a week right now, because that is all they have available and I would rather see him in two, but oh well, we will see how it goes. 
We have done a few things the last few weekends (none of which involve getting a room ready for a baby), like making a trip to Ogden, Utah for Rick's nephew's graduation from high school.  We had a good time seeing Rick's family, even for the short time that it was and watching both his nephew Dayton and his half nephew Jason both walk through the line for their graduation.  We were also able to go to the zoo in Salt Lake and hang out with his Mom, his sister Tiffany and her two youngest kids McKinley and Landon for a half day, before making our way back to Boise.
This last weekend we took a trip out "to the desert" and Josh took some time practicing riding his motorcycle.  It was pretty much drizzling rain the whole time , so Jacob and I hung out in the truck and watched (and maybe you can tell by the look on his face in the above photo just how much he enjoyed it).  After that we went driving to look for some ground squirrels (although they were smart enough not to be out in the rain) and we hoped that it would be a good opportunity for a certain boy to take a nap, although it did not work.  Jacob refused to nap, but Josh promptly fell asleep.  Instead Jacob decided to yell and scream the entire time we drove (and Josh still slept).  We did finally get to ground squirrel habitat and we kept our eyes peeled while Rick kept asking Josh if he had seen a ground squirrel yet, when suddenly Jacob said "ground squirrel".  Rick and I looked at each other in astonishment and Josh then said "He said squirrel!"  So we all three heard it, but of course like anything else he has said lately, it seems to be a one time thing.  I guess though, that is how it all starts.
Rick and I are doing good while quickly getting closer to the baby's due date, and I do have it in my plans to get a room ready soon.  I have started little things, but seem to get too tired to finish anything too big as of yet.  I still have terrible heart burn and it seems that no medicine, or amount of water, or laying off of any kinds of food, helps.  I can get heart burn at eating the blandest of foods, or at not eating at all, it really does not matter.  I think the only thing that will help is to just have this baby.
Sleep seems to be intermittent lately too.  Either I can't seem to get comfortable, or I am too hot, or I have to get up to go to the bathroom, or I just plain can't go back to sleep.   I know I am unlikely to get any more sleep when the baby comes, but at least I have to think I will be more comfortable sleeping.
All in all we finally seem to have summer here and we are enjoying the weather (even though it makes me feel really hot).  Josh has been quick to set up his water park at any opportunity he can get and so far Jacob has not tried it out, but Josh has made sure he gets wet anyway. 
Well, I promise to post again before the baby comes (as if I have any control over that), and for sure will let everyone know as soon as he is here.  Just under 3 weeks to go now. Our love to all, and enjoy the nice weather!

Baseball is in "full Swing"

It is baseball season in the Wilkison house and all three boys are playing, so that has kept us pretty busy.  We seem to have eith...