Well, I realize it has been since June since I have posted, and a lot has happened, but I will try to keep things sweet and hopefully somewhat short.
We are all doing very well here and everyone is healthy and happy. We got a new camper last year and so we kept busy breaking it in all summer. Everyone started school without a hitch and Jacob is enjoying Kindergarten and Joshua the third grade. Tucker insists that he is never going to school (ha, ha).

We are flying through the school year and are even coming up on spring break, and with spring comes baseball season. This year Joshua and Jacob will be playing baseball, while Tucker has decided to play soccer. Joshua starts practices on a AA team with Rick as one of his coaches next week, while Jacob starts in April with the Challenger league, and Tucker is set to start next Saturday with his soccer games. Needless to say, it is going to be one crazy spring with lots of running boys to different games. I will still try and be good and post photos and updates.
Jacob is still doing great and even is showing signs of learning to read (which they said may take him a while because of the left hemisphere being removed/disconnected). He just had his 4 year "Hemiversary" and is still seizure free. He has truly beat the odds in more ways than one and we are oh so thankful! He and Tucker are still 2 little trouble makers when they are together, but it is good to see how much they love each other (and Josh too).

We have plans to get out our camper more this year and have even booked a campsite at Cape Lookout and at Fort Stevens on the Oregon Coast coming up the end of June. The boys are very excited and Tucker asks nearly every day, "Can we go camping today?". It will be our first trip back to that area since the summer before Jacob's surgery (when he was still having lots of seizures). I think we will all be ready for the break.
The weather has been a little too good lately, and has given us all a bit of spring fever. I keep thinking though, with all this nice weather, we are going to get spoiled and used to it, only for it to turn bad again.
Hopefully everyone is doing well and you are getting to enjoy some nice weather too!
at Christmas with the tree |