The boys are all doing great. They are all in school, Tucker in preK, Jacob in 1st grade, and Joshua in 4th grade. Jacob played his first year of Baseball last year and loved it, while Josh continued to play too. Tucker chose to do soccer, but decided halfway through that he really would prefer to play baseball. So it looks like we will have a full schedule of baseball this year because they are all 3 signed up (I can only hope we don't have too many overlapping games).
We made it a point last summer to use our camper as much as we could and took it to the Oregon coast and out camping around Idaho too. We all had a great time and I am sure we will do it again this summer (I will try to post photos during the summer this time though).

Tucker learned how to ride a bike without training wheels this summer and so he got a new bike, which made Jacob a bit jealous. So this fall, with the help of friends and family (a big Thank you to you all!) we were able to order him a special bike that is all his. He loves it and even wants to ride it when it rains and snows. I know he can't wait until the weather gets nice so we can take it out for rides again. It is so great in helping him increase his strength in his right leg too, so win, win!
I am getting ready to take Jacob to Seattle for his annual check up at Seattle Children's Hospital, and can not believe we are coming up on his 5th "Hemiversary". He is doing so amazingly well and I am so happy he has gotten the opportunity to live a life free of seizures! I am excited too for him to see his doctors there, and for them to see how much progress he has made. So far every time we have gone, it has always been good news and I sure don't expect anything different this time, but I promise to update when we get back.
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