Sports season has started, and it has prevented me from keeping up on my blog as often as I have wanted to again. Rick signed Josh up for both spring soccer and spring baseball, and wouldn't you know it, but they both happen to run at the same time. Needless to say, we have been very busy with games and practices. Josh loves doing both sports, but I can tell you, next year he will not be doing both at the same time.

We made a quick trip to Seattle the end of March, for Jacob's 1 year check up, and came home with a good report and news. They were very happy with how well he was doing (even said he is in the top percent of how well of hemi patients). They also gave us the OK to start tapering his seizure med. It was a quick taper, and we have been medicine free now for a few weeks. : ) It is very nice not to have to remember to give him his medicine twice a day. Hopefully we can stay seizure free and medicine free!

Tucker has started to crawl now, and now he is quick at getting around and getting into everything (including trouble). He especially like to get into the cat food and water. He has even been know to try and eat a bit of it. He likes to put everything in his mouth, so we have to really watch what is on the floor now. He is a little guy, but I have a feeling he is going to end up being big trouble. Good thing he is so cute!
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