Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finally Mobile and Happy St. Patrick's Day

First I have to apologize for not getting the update done last night, I got on the computer to do it and I did not have an Internet connection in the Ronald McDonald house room.  Apparently our room is a bit too far away from the wireless router (they gave me a cord to use from now on).  So hopefully from now on I will be able to stay on the update schedule that I like (at night before bed).
 For the past week Jacob has been in the giraffe section of the hospital, which has been appropriate because one of his favorite stuffed animals is a giraffe.  On Wednesday though he was able to get the drain pulled from his head and they came and told us he would probably get moved to the rehab section which is in the train section of the hospital.  I guess that is good, because now we are more mobile.  We can get him out of bed whenever we want and he does enjoy being walked around and seeing new sights.  He seemed much happier when the drain came out and Dad got to hang out with him and stay the night.  Josh and I went to stay at the Ronald McDonald house for the night. 
 We came in first thing this morning and Dad was acting so goofy, we actually got a smile out of him.  It was the first one I have seen in a week.  It is still a bit of a half smile because he is still getting used to using the right side, but we will take it either way. 

At around noon they came and got him and moved him over to his new room #3135 in the train section.  He now has a new roommate (I believe a quieter one) and a change of scenery.  Our friends Bill and Lisa also sent us some decorations for his room to make it festive for St. Patrick's day.  I will take pictures when we are done decorating and post later. 


  1. Katheryn and EmilyMarch 17, 2011 at 6:16 PM

    Glad to hear that he is doing so well and can now move about more. I love that smile he looks so happy.

  2. SO glad you guys got the decorations -i was a bit worried they wouldnt make it in time. we did miss you this evening - no corned beef or anything - we are waiting til we can do it with you guys! keep up the good work jacob - hugs to everyone - love lisa and bill

  3. How wonderful, and a crooked smile is a beautiful smile just the same! He does look much happier! Now that he has moved to the train section,he is like Thomas, the "little engine that could!" And I am sure he will! Happy St. Patties day to all (guess it will always have new significance for your family now!) Give my love to Judy, please! God Bless you All!


Baseball is in "full Swing"

It is baseball season in the Wilkison house and all three boys are playing, so that has kept us pretty busy.  We seem to have eith...