Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Poop Day!

Last night was Rick's night to stay at the hospital, so I stayed with Josh and waited until he got up this morning.  He slept in for a while and then got up and had breakfast and we took out time getting to the hospital.  I had talked to Rick and he said Jacob had a pretty good night, so we did not rush.  When we did get there I took one look at Jacob and said "what is wrong with him, he looks terrible".  He was so ashen color and so lethargic, I was worried.  I was beginning to think our luck was changing.  I asked Rick if he had gone poop yet, because he had been eating so much, and he told me he still had not.  The nurses were starting to get concerned too, so the had a suppository planned for him at noon.  So around noon they put it in and we waited.  Meanwhile Jacob fell back to sleep.  We had no idea how long it would take but we did ask questions about what we would do if it didn't work.  Luckily as we were talking about it all Jacob woke up and started to get very uncomfortable.  He then started grunting a bit and we then knew it was coming (and oh boy, did it come). As soon as we got one diaper changed, he filled another.  Immediately the color came back to his face and he had a look of relief.  He just all of the sudden seemed to feel so much better.  I truly felt better too.  I even got to get him out of bed when he managed to flip himself all of the way over on his belly in bed (while wearing a restraint on his left hand to prevent him from pulling out his drain).  I guess the nurse figured that was good cause to give him a reprieve from bed.  It was awesome because he fell asleep on my chest and did not move for about an hour.  I was happy!
After the pooping Rick actually felt better to leave and take Joshua to the top of the space needle.  They had a great time and stayed and hung out for a while and Josh got a small space needle to take home and carried it everywhere the rest of the night.  He even felt he needed to sleep with it, but we convinced him to put it next to him. 
My Mom decided she wanted to take tonight's shift to give Rick and I a break, so we let her.  We will see what tomorrow brings. 


  1. Everybody looks so good! I am so impressed with how great Jacob looks in the pictures you've posted. And so happy you got to hold him while he slept. I know exactly how wonderful that feels! Thanks for all the updates - we are rooting for a very smooth recovery.

  2. Well, "poop happens" and then again sometimes not! Glad to hear the little guy got things moving and is less miserable now! The photo of you holding him is precious, you Meghan look VERY happy to have him in your arms again, and it is evident he is ZONKED! And I see the "bird's nest" is gone now? Sounds like Josh is getting some quality time and that is awesome too! I remember when I was little we went to Seattle and I got a little necklace with the space needle, and I wore it in my school photo that year! Brings back memories! Questions..any seizures since surgery? and is Jacob moving both sides or not? Please give my best to your mom and have a GREAT day, all of you! God Bless you all, all ways!


Baseball is in "full Swing"

It is baseball season in the Wilkison house and all three boys are playing, so that has kept us pretty busy.  We seem to have eith...